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Marion Hochberg, LMT is a Licensed Massage Therapist with over 20 years of experience helping a wide variety of clients. She utilizes a number of healing modalities focusing primarily on Lymph System Revitalization, CranioSacral Therapy and Sandlin Technique, while integrating Targeted Therapeutic Massage when required. The scope of her practice encompasses issues concerning muscular/skeletal and nervous system dysfunction, acute and chronic pain, soft tissue injuries, TMJ Syndrome, tension headaches, general detoxification, fibromyalgia, lymphedema, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, heavy metal toxicity, edema/fluid retention, addressing the effects of hormonal imbalances, general low vitality, and many other health issues. A strong emphasis is placed on stimulating and accelerating the natural healing processes of the body in order to establish and maintain a supreme state of health.